Academy for the Soul Recommends

Medical Intuitive and Academy Master Teacher Amanda Hopkins

About Amanda


Amanda Hopkins is an International Expert in identifying deficient energy flow in the body that impairs function and creates dis-ease. She's known for her Clairvoyant ability as a Medical Intuitive to penetrate deeply into the root cause and immediately identify the main elements causing illness. Amanda has a unique and powerful process of Intuitively Mapping points in your body systems that are collectively undermining vitality and depleting your body’s energetic resources. With her keen intuitive mastery and wizard like abilities, Amanda has supported hundreds of people with restoring energy flow so their body can repair itself and recover its High level vitality. Ultimately as a Certified Intuitive Strategist, NLP and Academy Master teacher, she assists and provides you with the tools to create inner stability for lasting whole body wellness. Her Purpose is to greatly empower you in your relationship with your body.


Work with Amanda


Energy Deficiency Scan and Recalibration Session

Revitalize your body at all levels of your Being

Amanda will scan your physical body and corresponding energy fields to identify any energy deficiencies that are depleting your vital lifeforce flow, comprising your vitality and impairing specific body tissues, organs, glands and systems.

Your primary energy deficiency will be resolved and light flow restored through that energetic space of your body and Being to restore vitality and cellular light flow. Amanda will guide you through the essential energy shifts to support your physical well-being and replenish you.

She’ll identify steps that can support you in further balancing and harmonizing your energy and move you through a recalibration process to release old patterns and programs that created the deficient flow in the first place so that you’re upgrading and renewing your ideal energy template within your body.


Body Wisdom Illumination Course

Embody Your Innate Intelligence to Trust Your Body
and Ignite Your Intuitive Body Flow

~ Instantly pinpoint all factors contributing to body symptoms so they can be fully released... this is essential to prevent energetic disruptors manifesting in a harmful way

~ Prime, prepare and align your physical body so it's a pure conduit of light

~ Access your Higher Insights for your own body's needs and in facilitating healing with others

~ Maximize your body's full potential at the cellular level so it's operating in accordance with your Divine Physical Body Blueprint

When you live your Soul Truth at all levels of your Being, healing isn't needed. Your body and your cellular consciousness effectively adjusts and adapts in the moment to your ever-changing environment.

'You are the Authority and Director of
your own Body Experience'


Stop deferring to outside influences as your determinants for decisions and actions.. Place Trust in yourSelf and in your own Higher knowing. Awakening the consciousness within each of your cells to it's Divine function within you.

Get your personalized roadmap for optimizing your body as a conduit for your Soul expression and physical evolution.


"Amanda is a true Wizard and Clairvoyant ~ She sees beyond the veil and knows what to do to instantly relieve the culprit causing the stress on the immune system. She knows her stuff with the physical body and can brilliantly explain in a easy to understand way all that is occurring And then support one in Transforming it for good. I send all of my clients to Amanda that have issues with the Endocrine system, her specialty. I highly recommend her if you have issues with your body that you’ve not been able to identify...Trust me she’s the Best!"


With Light for your path