Academy for the Soul Recommends

Cosmic Energy Expert and Academy Master Teacher Amber Starr-Cook

About Amber


Amber Starr Cook is a researcher, presenter, radio host, Academy for the Soul Master Teacher, and multi-sensory intuitive who brings the uplifting magic of Cosmic Energy into people's lives for greater health, wholeness, and well-being. Through the ancient wisdoms of numerology, astrology, astronomy, sacred geometry, and modern energy awareness techniques, Amber empowers others to see their bigger picture and purpose, to tune into their unique soul expression, and to find their personal flow with the rhythm of life. Amber is a channel of truth for those seeking to work proactively with their life in these dynamic times. Through her work, Amber helps others better understand themselves, the people around them, the changing Earth and sky, and the nature of creation itself.


Work with Amber


Freedom to Shine Session

One-on-One numerology and IST session to identify and clear the biggest persona in the way of freeing yourself to step fully into your life path and unlock the magic of your Life Path Code. We’ll explore what challenges and opportunities are part of your evolutionary life path process, and what stands in the way of your Freedom to Shine your own unique light.

You’ll receive an Illuminating Intentions PDF Guide prior to the session that will include a brief description of the core numerology birth code number we are focusing on (in this case it’s the Life Path Number), an explanation of the session and process, writing prompts to prepare for and maximize the session, and an area to take notes during the session if you choose to. You’ll also receive a recording of the session


Integrative Soul Technology (IST) Session

Amber is a Certified Intuitive Strategist and high-level clairsentient empath devoted to empowering others to live in unity with their unique natural frequencies.

In this IST Session, Amber will work with you to identify areas of incongruence within your energetic system and guide you to shift any persona and belief patterns that keep you from feeling in unity with that core frequency signature that is unique to you and wants you to be in ease, vitality, and flow.

This time together is for you to feel into your core essence at a deep level and to appreciate being in unity with You!



With Light for your path