Academy for the Soul Recommends

Relationship Expert and Academy Master Teacher Ana Maria Vasquez

About Ana Maria


Ana Maria has been an educator, trainer & coach for more than 20 years in various areas of personal transformation. As a natural multi-sensory Intuitive Energy Tracker, an interpreter of sorts, she lifts the veil between what’s happening in the 3D world and the energetic patterns behind it. She has a profound connection with nature & animals and specializes in working with them because they act as mirrors to our inner landscape and help us make shifts that on our own we wouldn’t do. She is also a Certified Intuitive Strategist and serves on the faculty of the Academy for the Soul.


Work with Ana Maria


Intuitive Energy Tracking Session

As a multi-sensory intuitive, Ana Maria connects to the energy and through what is shown to her in images, sounds and feelings, she sees what is going on at an energetic level and what you can do to shift that stuck energy. Remember, everything acts as mirrors for us. You never know who will show up in these sessions, sometimes it’s animals that live with you now, and even past animals and people that have transitioned. In this session, you can ask your questions and I can read the energy of the situation. Through my multi-sensory intuitive channels I can tell you what is coming through around the particular energy and give you mind management techniques to help shift the pattern present.


Animals as Messengers Course

Ana Maria’s signature online course that help you connect with the animals at a deeper level. Learn about the symbolism of animals and what they are trying to tell you! The animals in our lives, whether they live with us or we come across them in the wild, have messages for us. Messages to help us with everyday situations and to act as a mirror to reflect our inner landscape.

  • 6 session Animals As Messengers Live Web Course
  • Including Live Energy Readings with Ana Maria


With Light for your path