Academy for the Soul Recommends

Human Design Specialist and Academy Master Teacher Elise Harrington

About Elise


Elise Harrington, P.E., is a scientific, multi-sensory intuitive, known for her “Transformational Magic”, specializing in Multi-dimensional Human Design and empowerment, fast-tracking transformation, and relationship energetics. Elise has developed new transformational and healing modalities, utilizing her extensive scientific and research background, multi-dimensional Human Design findings, and existing neuroscience and behavioral science healing techniques. Elise is an Academy Master Teacher, a Certified Intuitive Strategist, and a Certified Human Design Specialist.


Work with Elise


Customized Human Design Session

Elise specializes in Multi-dimensional Human Design and empowerment, fast-tracking transformation, and relationship energetics.


IST session, addressing HD Identified Personas

Intuitive Strategist Session, Addressing Human Design Identified Personas*, with Elise Harrington



With Light for your path