Academy for the Soul Recommends

Spirit Baby Messenger and Certified Intuitive Strategist Julia Sahalie

About Julia


Julia Sahalie is the founder of Cosmic Birth, a pathway for connecting with the spirit realm before birth. She has woven her love for empowered and compassionate childbirth with hypnotherapy and energy healing to provide guided journeys into the pre-life and to connect with the soul of ones unborn child.

She works with those who wish to conceive, who are pregnant, lost a baby or just want a deeper understanding of their pre-life agreements and relationships so they can find peace, meaning and purpose.

Julia is a certified clinical medical support hypnotherapist, with additional certification in inter-life and neonatal regression. She is a certified intuitive strategist, a childbirth instructor and Spirit Baby messenger.

Her vision is for us all to be supported in our life passages with honor and sacred celebration.


Work with Julia


Integrative Soul Technology (IST)
for Birth Loss Passage Session

Identify the feelings, beliefs and patterns to be cleared regarding the loss. Invite the soul of your baby to communicate with you.

Julia will do an intuitive reading, gather blessings and lessons and discover the soul contract if revealed. She'll do clearing on any untrue beliefs, fears, negative patterns, unnecessary contracts, cords etc..

You'll create a new purposeful assignment, receive a gift or blessing from your spirit baby, and integrate all positive emotions, patterns and blessings. Julia will facilitate clearing past and future timelines - Manifest new possibilities and probabilities!



With Light for your path